Well, as august comes to an end and September is just about to get here, many things have changed around here in Paris in the short time I have been here. Most Parisians are coming back from vacations, and just getting things ready to get the kids go back to school. Parisians coming back from vacations also means businesses that have been closed all these weeks are starting to open up again, and if I thought I had seen some good stuff in bakeries, which I also thought there were quite a few, wow, was I in for a surprise. Starting on Monday on my usual walk to my French classes I started to notice a lot more stores opens including some real nice bakeries, with heavenly smell as I walk past by them, making me want to go back and buy something, which I have to not do, since I am already a bit late to get to class. I even discovered that right next to the door of my building there is a chocolate shop which since it was closed I had never really noticed. In a range of about 3 blocks all around my building I can safely say there are at least about 7 patisseries/boulangeries. Can you imagine what this is like??? I think I definitively have to start trying some of this wonderful things, there is no way I can hide form them, they are everywhere, and each one looking just as or more wonderful that the other one.

I hope I get to master all this wonderful things at school. Now, talking about school, I start tomorrow!! It is not the official start since I won't have an actual class, but it is orientation day. According to what I have been told, and read, I will be getting my uniform, utensils, binder, and schedule. I have to be there by 9:30 sharp, but being that I am a bit anxious, and excited about the whole thing (ok, maybe a lot, more than I am willing to admit). I will take pictures, and promise to tell you all about it.
Back to changes in Paris the other thing I wanted to mention is the weather. I had lived in very warm climate places for the last 12 years, since I left Mexico City to go to high school (has it really been that long???) and I had been claiming all this time that I never got used to the heat since I never felt comfortable or liked being hot all day and night on a daily basis. Well, after a few weeks in Paris, I have to confess that maybe I was kind of used to it after all. I mean I am not complaining since I love the cold weather, and love to feel the cool air in my face, but I am definitively not used to being wearing sweaters in August on a daily basis either. As the last days of August have come, the mornings have been getting a bit cooler. It warms up pretty nice at around 1 pm (which I love since it is not overwhelmingly hot that one has to go hide inside with the A/C on full power), and by night it starts to cool down again. Yesterday morning as I headed out my apt I was feeling kind of cold, and thought it might was just me not being used to this weather (unless it was December or January), so I put my sweeter on thinking I was going to be the only crazy person out there in one. As I started walking towards school, I saw a lot of people even wearing scarves, and jackets, and started to realize that this weather is pretty common over here, so I just have to adjust to this new weather, and get used to the fact that while in some places there might be just one season throughout the year (always hot), there are nice places like here, where one gets to experience 2 or sometimes even 3 seasons in one day. Let’s see how that goes!!

I'll go get my things ready for tomorrow. I hope you like the pictures, they are not as nice as I wanted them, but I had to sneak into taking them. This is just one of the many shops out there. I will later share some of the other places around my neighborhood.
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