Sunday, November 20, 2011

Last Demo

I just cannot believe we finished our last Basic Pastr Demo!!! I am so happy to have make it through, but at the same time, I cannot believe time went by so fast!!! It all seemed so distant, that I really can't believed we finished it.
For this demo the Chef made a Chocolate-Bergamot Mousse Cake with Orange Crisp, which I really believe is a sort of introduction to what we will be working on for Intermediate Pastry.


 It was a sponge cake layer, with a bergamot mousse on top, and a chocolate mouse on top, chocolate glaze, and to decorate orange crisp.
I wasn't sure I was going to like the orangy-chocolate combination, fearing it was going to be too rich. Surprisingly the mousse had just the right amount of sweetness and flavor, that will tame down the chcocolate, and the is so trasty, and gave the cake a wonderful crunchy texture to it.

Can you all see my glass of Champagne behind my cake?
Because this was our last demostration for the Course, and some people are not coming back for the next level, they gave us a glass of Champagne to celebrate that we finish and to say farewell to those not coming back, which I thought was a pretty nice closure to it.

It really just made me excited to think of what there is to come, as well as realize all the way we have been through. To imagine our first demo was about shortbread cookies, and now we have this different element cakes is just really exciting for me.
The only thing left to finish Basic Pastry is the exam, so lets get ready for it!

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