Sunday, December 18, 2011


I have happily been enjoying some vacations and that's the reason I have been posting anything. I am already working on the posts for each place I visited. You all can expect posts on London, Bruxelles, and Strasbourg.
I have been also busy doing some cooking which I will post about it too. I already miss going to school and learning from the chefs. I am so excited to go back now in a couple of weeks, ready to start the new year doing what I love.
This time that I have been out of school I have been able to meditate and realize how blessed I am to be able to be here. I thank God for the opportunity he gave me to start over doing what I always wanted and being to able to do what I couldn't even dream about anymore since it seemed so unrealistic and uncompatible to what I was living.
Everyday I don't go to school I miss it, and find myself baking things not even for me, but just for the pleasure of it, and then finding people to give it to.
I am also very motivated to improve and be better on the next course, and challenge myself to give the best of me.
In the mean time I will be enjoying the rest of my vacations celebrating Christmas and New Year doing what else but cooking!!

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